Game Vault Con

Mörk Borg - Rotblack Sludge

Run by Echo

Content warnings

This game may include the following:

About this game

Required Listening One day all will blacken and burn. Just as the Two-Headed Basilisks have predicted.

MÖRK BORG is a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and decaying world. Who are you? The tomb-robber with silver glittering between cracked fingernails? The mystic who would bend the world’s heart away from its inevitable end? The world is dying. And you with it.

. . . doesn't that sound fun?! Come play Mörk Borg, an absolutely miserable OSR-style game with a killer soundtrack, impeccable vibes and so many dead characters and disturbing scenes that you'll say, "Wow, why the hell did I sign up for this?!?"

We'll be running the indtroductory dungeon, Rotblack Sludge or "The Shadow King's Lost Heir". You can get a free copy of the rulebook here (please do not download the adventure pdf). We will be using the optional classes within the book.

VTT has yet to be decided. Likely Miro or FoundryVTT.

Adventure Pitch: You face execution for heretical theft but a masked Seer, a Courtier of the Shadow King, offered you a chance at life. The King’s one true heir, his son Aldon, is missing. Without an heir the Shadow King will eventually be forced to hand his crown to his imbecile brother. Get him back discreetly and wealth, life and freedom will be yours. It’s believed Aldon is imprisoned in an infamous underground locale, a place no free man would willingly go, a place called The Accursed Den.

X Card and Content Warnings

This game touches on some extremely dark subject matters, and I've done my best to be as comprehensive as I can in the content warnings for this game. We will be using the X-Card system in this game where a player can publicly or privately raise an X-Card while playing to pause the game at any time for any reason regarding the content of the game.

If any of the content warnings in this game are something you're deeply uncomfortable with potentially experiencing, I highly advise you to give this one a skip. If you still want to play but have specific concerns about one or more of the content warnings, feel free to contact me on Discord and I will see if I can accomodate changes to the module.

Game times

No times have been added for this game yet.